Katlin is an artist in her own right and i'm sure she will love hanging a Jarvis original somewhere in her pad. Well, Done Katlin on winning my original drawing of Spaghetti Junction.
Commiserations to the rest of my loyal following. - There'll be another time very soon.
Major Commission signed off.....
This week, I received photographs of my paintings installed at Peter Smith Associate Architects. It was thrilling to see them in their final destination after months of planning, discussions, and execution.
One of the directors, Victoria, was incredibly supportive. She was not only generous in purchasing five of my original charcoal drawings but also in commissioning me to create two large paintings for their boardroom and reception area. I am hugely grateful for their investment and belief in what was a wonderfully open brief.
My aim was to develop a pastiche of architectural elements inspired by their converted barn. The historical features exist as an underlayer of intricate charcoal forms, while the modern materials newly installed have a cleaner, linear quality. The resulting dynamic, I hope, helps to unify their vision, recognising their extraordinary working environment in a permanent testimony.
Please let me know what you think. - and as ever, drop me a line if you would like to commission me for any of your architectural treasures at home or abroad.
Until next time